Clubs & Societies
Austrey Archery Group
Austrey Archery Group welcomes both experienced archers and complete novices, regardless of age or level of fitness. If you are new to the sport you need to take a course of training, and we run courses. Click here for more information.
We meet on Saturday mornings from 09.30 -12.30 pm and on Wednesday evenings from mid May – mid September at Shuttington Field, B79 0DP. From November – March we shoot indoors at Shuttington Village Hall from 09.00-12.00.
Do contact us at austreyarcherygroup@hotmail.co.uk, view our Facebook page here, or drop in to talk to us – you will be most welcome!
Austrey Belles Club

Austrey Belles Club is a women’s group, founded in April 2022, which meets in the Village Hall on the 1st Thursday of every month.
The group aims to provide members with friendship and community as well as a range of activities and events of interest to all. In the past these have included meals out, theatre trips, craft events and speakers covering subjects as diverse as Life on the Royal Yacht, Keeping Owls, Victorian Underwear and Rescuing the Ashby Canal.
Anyone wanting more information or wishing to join should contact c.moss@gmx.co.uk or
Austrey Gardening Society

The AGS meets at the village hall on the second Friday of the month at 7.30pm for a wide variety of
talks on horticultural and closely associated topics. We also enjoy annual trips to local and national
attractions, and run village events including a quiz, Open Gardens, and the Village Show.
For more information about becoming a member, or to visit as a guest, please contact us at austreygardeningclub@gmail.com . You can also find more information on our Facebook page.
Austrey Golf Society

Austrey Golf Society is over 20 years old and the Society continues to thrive today with over 25 members. We play at various golf clubs in the area including Drayton Park, Maxstoke, The Belfry and Willesley Park in Ashby.
We play once a month, always on a week day, and at least 8 times a year. Costs vary from £25 to £40 for an 18 hole game and usually include an English breakfast before we tee-off. Our choice of golf course varies from Championship to more local courses, but always in the Midlands and we look to play at different clubs every few years.
Membership is only £25 per year, and the fee goes towards prizes and our optional annual Christmas dinner If you are interested in joining, or would like to come along as a guest to see if you would like it, then you would be most welcome.
Please contact Steve Fenton at the Austrey Golf Society by email at stephen.fenton@btinternet.com
Hazel Meadows Allotment Association

We currently have no vacant allotment plots, but if you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact:
Neighbourhood Watch

The village Neighbourhood Watch group is part of North Warwickshire Neighbourhood Watch, a scheme
set up in 2002 to connect like minded people with the intention of improving security and
communication. We aim to reduce crime through general awareness and a little effort from each
You can email Colin, the village co-ordinator on colincartwright@nwnhw.co.uk
There is also a local Facebook page and a dedicated Neighbourhood Watch noticeboard outside
Austrey Stores.
Newton Regis Tennis Club

The club was formed in 2000 after fund-raising by members of the local community and a grant from the National Lottery. Located in the picturesque village of Newton Regis on the outskirts of Tamworth, we are a relatively small club but are always looking to welcome new members to join us, both adults and juniors.
For information, please contact Angela Turner on 01827 830179 or visit our website.

This group is open to all retired men in the village and surrounding areas to meet up on the last Friday of the month at The Appleby Inn at 12.30pm for lunch and a chat.
Please contact Neil Hayward for more details on 07789 320003
Tamworth Football Club Academy

Tamworth FC is delighted to announce that Austrey Playing Fields are now being used by the Club's thriving Academy. The youth development operation at the Lambs, which was relaunched in 2015, has around
130 local youngsters attached to it from the ages of 7-16. As well as this, 24 players aged 16-18 joined the
club on a full-time football and education scholarship in September.
For more information, visit our website.
The WI

Austrey WI is a friendly village group. They meet at Austrey Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the second Thursday of every month (apart from August) and visitors are welcome at any of the meetings.
They also hold a coffee morning on the last Tuesday of every month from 10-12, also at the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to come along for a chat, tea/coffee and cake.
For further details, please contact our Secretary, Ellen Beaty: ellenbeaty@hotmail.com
4 Counties Walking Group

We are currently looking for new members! You may not have heard of us because we just changed
our name from 'Austrey Walking Group' to reflect the fact that we aren't tied to any particular village. We are a friendly and welcoming group that is open to all.
We meet on Friday Mornings at 10:00 and try to arrange both a short walk of 2-3 miles and a longer walk of
4-6 miles anywhere in the 4 counties area.
We change our start point each week so check out our Walking for Health website here
You can email christopherwynne@btinternet.com or ring 01827 830716 to get a copy of our programme.
If transport is a problem we are happy to offer lifts.