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Latest News
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership 10th January 2025
We have been asked to share the details of this central reporting system for location-based speed concerns. Any isolated dangerous incidents should be reported to the police on 101 or online here:
Vacancy for a Councillor 21st October 2024
After 11 years serving as a Parish Councillor, Tony Treadwell has resigned from Austrey Parish Council.
This creates a vacancy on the council. If a Bye-election is not called within 14 working days, then a new member can be co-opted onto the council.
More detail on how to get involved can be found here or by contacting the Parish Clerk.
The Parish Council passes its sincere thanks on to Tony for his hard work, dedication and commitment to Austrey and the Parish Council over the last 11 years - he will be a hard act to follow.
WCC Mobile Library Service September 2024
The county's mobile library service continues to visit Austrey every 4 weeks, and stops in the lay-by on Main Road and outside the Bird in Hand pub.
Each mobile library has:
A selection of books, including large print
Spoken word
Books for young children
Each mobile library is accessible with a low entrance of two small steps and a ramp at the rear for wheelchair users.
Telephone: 01926 851031
Austrey Village Showcase 17th June 2024
Saturday 29th June 2024 - 2-4pm
Are You:
New to the Village? Newly Retired? Find you have more time on your hands? Feeling Lonely or Bored? Feel you aren't getting the most from rural living? Looking for a new hobby or pastime?
THEN THIS IS FOR YOU! The Village Hall Committee have gathered together all the interest groups in the village to showcase what they have to offer.
Its free, it will only take a few minutes of your time and it may change your life!
St. Nicholas Church clock 5th June 2024
Austrey Parish Council has recently commissioned the restoration of the church clock face. The clock was originally installed in 1923 as a War Memorial, and was made by Smith of Derby.
The same company has undertaken the recent work, which includes the slate dial being cleaned and sealed, and the dial and hands being restored.
Before and after photos can be seen on our Facebook page, along with more information about the memorial, and Smiths.
Austrey Community Orchard 21st May 2024
After a very successful first 'Big Dig' event, another has been scheduled for Saturday 29th June from 10am - 12pm.
Everyone is welcome, so please do join us! We are still taking plant donations, so if you can spare a couple of plants, then we'd be really grateful to have them.
Thank you to everyone who has dug, donated or helped with the orchard in any way so far.
We will be holding an official opening late summer, details on that will be coming soon. In the meantime, please visit and like the orchard's own Facebook page.
Austrey Community Orchard May 2024
Join us to build and grow a village haven for wildlife, complete with heritage fruit trees donated by the Kings Coronation Fund. We are looking forward to meeting everyone at our Big Dig event on the 18th May.
It's so heart warming to have recieved generous donations of plants and offers of help for this event. We hope to announce shortly the official opening day of the Austrey Community Orchard in late summer. Meanwhile, please visit and like the orchard's own Facebook page.
Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Newsletter March 2024
Click here to view the NDP newsletter, detailing what has happened so far, and what is left to do!
Austrey Christmas Lights Night 2023 5th November 2023
On Friday 1st December, Austrey Parish Council invite you to join us for our annual community Christmas Light Switch-on.
Children from Austrey C of E Primary School will lead us in Christmas carols around the tree. Children will be able to meet Santa if they wish, plus there will be mince pies, mulled wine & good cheer! Meet us on the corner of St. Nicholas Close and Main Road from 5.30pm. The road will be closed from 5.15pm. This is a free event, so no tickets are required. The event is expected to finish at 7pm.
Public Spaces Protection Order - Dog Fouling 30th October 2023
The council is proposing to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), to prevent anti-social behaviour arising from dog fouling within North Warwickshire.
Prior to making a PSPO, the Council must be satisfied that the activity that the order seeks to prohibit, is having or is likely to have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality and is, or is likely to be, persistent or unreasonable in nature.
One method of ascertaining whether a PSPO is necessary is through public consultation. It is proposed that the consultation process is conducted in accordance with Cabinet Office Guidelines for PSPO's. To ensure that the towns and parishes can consider these proposals within their meeting cycle, the consultation period will be conducted within 6 weeks.
The full PSPO can be found here.
The consultation will run until Friday 8 December 2023.
Please complete the consultation form here.
(This form will take around two minutes complete).
Calling Local Photographers 25th October 2023
We need some high definition digital photos to be taken from various angles around the village for the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) that we are currently updating.
We would like to invite residents to send in photos for a chance to win a £50 voucher of their choice.
There will be approximately 10 prescribed views that we require photos of (as reflected in the NDP) and they will also be used for our village website.
Anyone submitting an image for consideration will be required to give us permission in perpetuity to use it for village related publicity / documentation.
Any queries, or to find out which views need photographing, please contact
Thanking our wonderful villagers in advance for their support!
HS2 Update October 2023
The HS2 high-speed rail link between Birmingham and Manchester will be scrapped, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said. Another part of the route, between the East Midlands and Leeds, has already been cancelled. Instead, £36bn funding will be put into alternative transport projects, Mr Sunak said.
Member of Parliament for North Warwickshire and Bedworth, Craig Tracey has welcomed the news that the Prime Minister has announced that he is scrapping parts of HS2, including the Eastern leg, which has been an issue of much contention for local residents over a number of years.
Community Litter Pick September 2023
On Saturday 14th October, Austrey Parish Council is organising a litter pick around the village, and everyone is invited to take part. We will be meeting outside the village hall just before 10am for a safety briefing and to share out litter picking equipment and bags.
Please bring your own gardening gloves. Refreshments will be available at the village hall for all volunteers who take part, from 12pm.
We hope to see you there - Love Where You Live!
Austrey Neighbourhood Development Plan ( NDP) 18th August 2023
Our new NDP page is now live on the website. Here you will be able to find documents relating to updating the original plan, adopted in 2017. This includes minutes of steering committee meetings, our recent questionnaire and the responses we received.
The next NDP committee meeting is on 31st August at 6.30pm at Austrey Village Hall, should anyone like to join us.
2 councillor vacancies on Austrey Parish Council 9th May 2023
Following an uncontested election, two parish council vacancies have become available. Pop along to a meeting or speak to any member of the Parish Council. Click HERE for more information and an application form.
Austrey's Neighbourhood Development Plan Review 28th April 2023
In January 2022, Austrey Parish Council started the process of updating our Neighbourhood Plan. A Housing Needs Survey was commissioned last year, and the results can be found here.
A village steering committee was formed in 2023 and a review of the original plan is now underway. Coming soon will be an online survey asking for your opinions on housing development in Austrey.
To contact the committee or to offer your help, please email
Street Party to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III March 2023
On Sunday 7th May 2023, Austrey will be holding a Street Party to celebrate the King's Coronation. It will be held on Main Road between 1pm and 5pm. The road will be closed (from Bishops Cleeve to the Crossroads) from midday for residents to set up their table and decorations. Everyone is welcome, and if you'd like to organise any games or competitions on the day, please feel free. This is an event for the whole village to get involved in. #lovewhereyoulive
Community Litter Pick February 2023
On Saturday 11th March, Austrey Parish Council is organising a litter pick around the village, and everyone is invited to take part. We will be meeting outside the village hall just before 10am for a safety briefing and to share out litter picking equipment and bags.
Please bring your own gardening gloves. Refreshments will be available at the village hall for all volunteers who take part, from 12pm.
We hope to see you there - Love Where You Live!
Share your views on celebrating the King's Coronation 7th February 2023
The Coronation of King Charles III will take place on Monday 8th May 2023. In celebration of this historic event, we are asking residents how you'd like to commemorate this occasion. This should be a village event, led by residents and run by volunteers, so what would you like to see? A Street Party as in previous years, or something different?
Send your ideas to or pop along to our next meeting at the village hall!
What is a Neighbourhood Plan? 3rd January 2023
Neighbourhood planning is a new way for communities to have a say in the future of the places where they live and work. It gives you the power to produce a plan with legal weight that directs development in your local area. It helps you:
• Choose where you want new homes, shops and offices to be built
• Have your say on what those new buildings should look like
• Grant planning permission for the new buildings you want to see go ahead
• Groups can get tailored advice, support and grants to develop their neighbourhood plans.
We have recently applied for and received further funding in order to continue reviewing the Plan and we desperately need some volunteers to assist us with this.
That's where your help is needed. Can you spare a few hours a month to get involved and support our newly formed village steering committee?
We hope to hold community consultations on key local community issues. We need to gather suggestions and priorities to shape the amended plan’s policies and priorities. Please help us protect and shape our area to meet your needs! A guide to what is expected of a NP steering committee is available if you'd like more details.
It's your plan - get involved by contacting Sam Goldney-Neate on
Austrey Christmas Lights Night 2022 11th November 2022
On Friday 2nd December, Austrey Parish Council invite you to join us for our annual community Christmas Light Switch-on.
Children from Austrey C of E Primary School will lead us in Christmas carols around the tree. Children will be able to meet Santa if they wish, plus there will be mince pies, mulled wine & good cheer! Meet us on the corner of St. Nicholas Close and Main Road from 5.30pm. The road will be closed from 5.15pm. This is a free event, so no tickets are required. The event is expected to finish at 7pm.
Austrey Bonfire Night 2022 22nd September 2022
We are pleased to announce that this year's bonfire end fireworks event will be held on Saturday 5th November. Watch out for information about how and where to buy your tickets.
More details can be found here:
Platinum Jubilee commemorative mugs 10th May 2022
Austrey Parish Council would like to provide a Platinum Jubilee commemorative mug for all the children in the village who are 16 years or younger.
If you live in the village and have children who are 16 years or younger by the date of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, on or before 2 June 2022, please could you provide their names, DOBs and your address asap by email to
We can also deliver forms to homes in the village over the next two weeks and you can if you prefer, return the completed form to the Parish Council letterbox outside the village shop.
Austrey Village Hall Survey January 2022
Last year we did a survey to find what people wanted from the Village Hall. We have carried out most of the suggestions bar one - to develop the rear area as a safe leisure/entertainment area. We now have the possibility of a grant to do so but the sponsor will want to see proof that we have consulted with the Village and with hall users.
That's why I am requesting you take the anonymous survey in this link:
Many thanks,
Chris Wynne (Chair of Austrey Village Hall Trust)
Results of Austrey's Housing Needs Survey 28th January 2022
Results of the survey can be found here. The survey was commissioned by Austrey Parish Council ahead of updating our village Neighbourhood Plan this year.
Warwickshire residents asked to share views on bus services 6th January 2022
More than 1,600 people took part in a consultation last summer to help shape the Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). The BSIP set out desired improvements to the bus network in response to the National Bus Strategy which, subject to funding, will encourage more of us to use buses. This new public consultation means views are needed again to shape the next stage of an Enhanced Partnership (EP) Plan and the first Warwickshire EP Scheme, which must be formally agreed with bus operators by 1 April 2022. The survey is open until 1 February 2022.
Warwickshire Recycles - December 2021 7th December 2021
The latest edition of Warwickshire Recycles can be found here.
Sad death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 9th September 2022
It is with the greatest sadness that Austrey Parish Council has learned of the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family at this sad time.
We have been officially advised that no council agendas can be issued during the period of mourning and no council meetings can take place during the same period. For this reason, September's parish council meeting has been cancelled, and the next is scheduled for 12th October 2022.
Austrey war memorial receives funding boost from War Memorials Trust Grants Scheme 10th November 2021
Austrey’s war memorial (the church clock) will benefit from a grant in 2021-22 of £2,960 from War Memorials Trust Grants Scheme supported by voluntary donations. The clock was installed to Commemorate WWI and there also is a Roll of Honour plaque just inside the church listing the men of Austrey who lost their lives during the Great War. The money will enable us to have the automatic winding units replaced and a regulator installed. The current mechanisms are no longer fit for purpose, which results in the clock regularly losing time and not always chiming – a sound that most of us miss hearing around the village!
Warwickshire Recycles Sept-Oct 2021 14th September 2021
The latest edition of Warwickshire Recycles can be found here.
Defibrillator News 13th September 2021
Fantastic news - 2 new defibrillators have been installed in the village by Austrey Parish Council.
The first is situated at Austrey Village Hall and was purchased using your very generous donations to the GoFundMe appeal that was launched. earlier this year. Many of the donations were made in memory of resident Martin McEvoy.
The second is situated at the crossroads on Appleby Hill. This was very kindly donated by local company Pi-Kem.
Defibrillators are vital for saving lives from cardiac arrests, but we do have to ensure that they are always 'emergency ready'. Are you interested in becoming a supporting guardian of one of our 3 defibrillators? This is a weekly or monthly check to help check and manage the defibs. Please email if you can spare a few minutes to help keep them in prime condition with regular checks.
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership Consultation 3rd September 2021
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership is asking for your views on how the county’s roads can be made safer by inviting you to take part in a public consultation on a new Warwickshire road safety ‘Strategy to 2030’.
The public consultation closes on the 15th of September and can be accessed through their website:
Austrey Welcomes New Vicar 30th July 2021
Austrey recently welcomed the new vicar of the All Souls Parish of North Warwickshire, Reverend Joanne Dyer.
She can be contacted on , by calling 075969 33488, or via the website.
All Souls Parish is a wide and varied parish of 6 villages, with five church buildings and three C of E primary schools and a total of almost 3,800 parishioners.
Beeline Community Transport - Volunteer Drivers Required 30th July 2021
Do you like driving? If you have a couple of hours spare in the week you could be helping someone get to an important medical appointment. We are looking for people who can help residents of North Warwickshire and those registered with a North Warwickshire surgery with transport to any medical appointment.
You will pick the person up and then either wait for them or pick them up at a time to suit after the appointment has finished, and take them home. The service is flexible and can work around days and times to suit you as a volunteer.
Travelling expenses are reimbursed.
How To Find Out More:
Tel: 01827 717074 Email: Web:
Austrey Christmas Lights Night 2021 23rd November 2021
Austrey Parish Council would like to invite you to join us for a festive treat at the corner of St Nicholas Close & Main Road as Santa switches on the Christmas lights. It's on Friday 3rd December from 5.30pm.
Children will be able to meet Santa if they wish and there will also be Christmas carols around the tree, mince pies, mulled wine & good cheer! The lights will be switched on around 6 - 6.15pm.
Everyone is welcome!
The Austrey Newsletter 22nd June 2021
We are hoping to re-launch the village newsletter in the coming months, but first we need some content! If you have any items, news articles or events that you'd like to share, then email
Or, for a small fee, you may like to advertise your business. Details can be found here.
Mobile Library Visits to Austrey 22nd June 2021
Warwickshire Recycles Summer Newsletter 9th June 2021
Here is the latest edition. Features include plastic free picnics for July, tips for buying clothes from charity shops and degradable vs biodegradable vs compostable.
IM Properties Mercia Park - construction and highways update 14th May 2021
Here is the latest Mercia Park project community newsletter for your information.
This includes an update on construction, details of the forthcoming programme of highways work on the Junction 11, M42 roundabout, as well some information about some of the organisations that have been benefitting from the Community Fund.
Consultation on Changes to Off-Street Parking Places Order 29th July 2021
North Warwickshire Borough Council is proposing a new Off Street Parking Places Order (2021) to replace the existing 2015 order. The proposed new order will:
*Operate under a Civil Parking Enforcement regime*Update the parking areas covered by the order*Introduce parking charges for some car parks*Provide at least one hour free parking in all car parks*Continue to provide free parking for blue badge holders*Introduce electric vehicle charging points in some car parks (and allow for the expansion of provision over time)
The Council is currently carrying out a public consultation and the deadline for responses is 5.00pm on Friday 21st August, 2021.
Details of the Order and more information on the proposed changes can be found here.
If you require any further information on this matter please contact Keith Evans (
Chair's Report 2020-21 11th May 2021
Please click here to read the annual report from the Chair of Austrey Parish Council.
Update from Mercia Park 7th May 2021
Click here for an update from IM Properties about construction at Mercia Park, including a forthcoming programme of highways works on the M42, Junction 11 roundabout.
Defibrillator Fundraiser Update 5th May 2021
So far, the efforts of Austrey residents have raised an amazing £1450 to fund a second defibrillator in the village. That means we only need £150 to meet our target.
Do you know that for every minute someone is in cardiac arrest without CPR and access to a defibrillator, their chances of survival drops by up to 10%. Having a public access defibrillator available in an emergency can be life saving, especially in rural areas where ambulance response times may be longer.
We very sadly had a situation recently where a defibrillator was used on one of our village residents and one of the key success factors in using a defibrillator is being able to access one in a very short time frame. To this end, we are looking to purchase another defibrillator to place in the village and also to arrange some training for this post COVID.
If you would like to make a donation, please click here.
Village Litter Pick 4th May 2021
On Sunday 9th May, Austrey Parish Council is organising a litter pick around the village, and everyone is invited to take part. We will be meeting outside the village hall at 11.30am, but please remember to respect social distancing guidelines, and to wear a mask.
Bin bags, litter pickers and water will be provided. We hope to see you there!
Warwickshire County Council Elections 2021 11th May 2021
All the Warwickshire County Council election 2021 results are available to view online. Visit:
Warwickshire Police 'Safer Neighbourhoods Team' Newsletter 29th April 2021
View the newsletter here:
Open Consultation: Improving Broadband for Hard to Reach Premises 26th April 2021
The Department of Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) wants to hear views and experiences of consumers’ broadband connectivity in rural and remote areas of the UK, and to receive information on both the known benefits of broadband services and the current barriers to deployment and take-up.
The evidence gathered will enable DCMS to assess the options available for delivering improved connectivity to areas where the costs of delivering better digital infrastructure have so far proven to be a barrier to deployment.
If you are a resident household or a business user of rural broadband services then please complete the call to evidence via the online survey.
Latest Changes to Warwickshire Library Services 15th April 2021
Following Government guidance regarding step 2 of the roadmap out of lockdown, all Warwickshire County Council libraries will provide a Grab & Go service from 12 April 2021, replacing the current Click & Collect service; visit for 30 minutes to browse, borrow, collect requests and return. Visit at any time during the library’s opening hours. Please continue to pre-book computers.
We understand you may not be able to visit so the return date for all items on loan has been extended until at least April 30 2021; overdue fines do not currently apply.
If you visit a library you should wear a mask unless exempt and sanitise your hands. You will be asked to provide contact information for NHS Test and Trace. Adhere to the national restrictions and stay at home if you have any symptoms of coronavirus.
Check what library services are currently available
Important Notice: April's Meeting Cancelled 12th April 2021
Following the death of His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh, a period of national mourning commenced on 9th April and will conclude on 17th April inclusive. Parish councils have been advised by the National Association of Local Councils that the period of mourning triggers the provisions of s243 of the Local Government Act of 1972, meaning that our Parish Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday 14th April cannot go ahead as planned: 3 clear days notice were not given by Austrey Parish Council before the mourning period commenced. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th May 2021 to be held via Zoom. Joining details to follow.
Speed watch volunteers required 10th April 2021
Fed up with cars speeding through our lovely village?
Then we would welcome your help please!
We are planning to purchase a speed gun which is accredited through North Warwickshire’s Safer Neighbourhood team and we need a team of volunteers to man it; the more the better. We already have some volunteers and if you feel you can support with maybe a shift a month, or more if you can, we would love to hear from you. Full training and equipment will be provided.
If you can assist with this, please contact or any member of Austrey Parish Council.
Austrey & Warton Scout Group Update 5th April 2021
We are starting to look at how we can return to Face to Face meetings at Austrey and Warton Scout Group, but we have to recruit more adult help both at the Group Meetings and to support the Group as a whole. We currently are running with 3 Leaders and 4 Sectional Assistants which is not enough for the number of young people we have as members, especially as we are asked to restrict our movement between sections. We need at least 4 adults per section every week. We currently have 2 members of our Exec and Fundraising committee. Again we need a minimum of an additional 5.
Job roles available are: Section Assistant Leader, Section Assistant, Occasional Helper, Group Chair, Group Secretary, Group Equipment Manager, Group Web Manager, Group Recruitment and Group Supporters.
We have a Group Treasurer, one Exec member and Badge Secretary in place.
Please drop me an email at or message me on 07939115360 if you would be interested in helping with any of the above roles or have particular skill/contact that could be helpful, (and this is without obligation!) My plan is to organise some small meet ups so I can talk to people face to face about the roles they may be considering.
Please feel free to share as helpers can be anyone, over the age of 18, regardless of whether they have a youngster at the Group or not. Please see this Facebook post for more details.
Austrey Village Hall Survey 3rd April 2021
The village hall committee would like to gather your ideas and opinions.
As you know, the hall has been closed for most of the past year during which time they have made improvements to the building. Now they want to know exactly what it is you want the building to do for you. Do you know what clubs are available? Are there other clubs or activities you wish were hosted? Do you know you can hire the hall for your personal use?
Please click here for the survey.
Newsletter Editor Required 22nd March 2021
As we start to move out of lockdown, we are looking to restart the village newsletter but after several years, our former editor has decided to step away. We are looking for someone to pick up this role on a self employed basis, whilst being supported by the Parish Council. Briefly, the role consists of:
*formatting the newsletter, which is published every other month. We previously used publisher and have a template that you can work from;
*proof reading articles and amending as necessary;
*writing some articles;
*sending the finished edition to the printers.
*folding the newsletters
We will pay for this service which should take around 10 hours per edition. If you're interested, please send an email with your relevant experience to and we'll be in touch.
Defibrillator Fundraiser 18th March 2021
Do you know that for every minute someone is in cardiac arrest without CPR and access to a defibrillator, their chances of survival drops by up to 10%. Having a public access defibrillator available in an emergency can be life saving, especially in rural areas where ambulance response times may be longer.
We very sadly had a situation recently where a defibrillator was used on one of our village residents and one of the key success factors in using a defibrillator is being able to access one in a very short time frame. To this end, we are looking to purchase another defibrillator to place in the village and also to arrange some training for this post COVID.
Austrey Parish Council has set up this fundraiser and we would welcome any donations that residents can give please. The cost is around £1600 so we would ask you to give what you can. Just think, you could save the life of one of our fellow villagers.
Austrey Parish Council Casual Vacancy 17th March 2021
A casual vacancy has arisen on Austrey Parish Council to be filled by co-option. Notice of Vacancy
Austrey Parish Council is made up of 7 volunteer councillors who meet once a month to discuss and act on issues of importance to the local community. The Parish Council sets and monitors how a proportion of local taxes are spent in the Parish, make comment on planning applications in the Parish and consider projects to help maintain, improve or enhance the local area. Local Government is changing and Parish Councils are seeing an increase in the responsibilities and opportunities to influence decisions made that affect our local community.
Please click here for more information, eligibility requirements and an application form.
Austrey Residents Association needs new members 11th March 2021
This group is open to all residents of Austrey. It provides support where and when needed including many issues of concern to the village, including concerns over planning applications, support for the Neighbourhood Plan, financial support for village activities, a regular monthly news bulletin and direct help with problems such as surface water drainage and its effects.
If you would like to join Austrey Residents' Association please contact David Rowse on 01827 830342 or email Membership is free and the committee welcomes new members and fresh ideas.
Village Hall Access Ramp Complete! 8th March 2021
Following a grant from IM Properties and a donation from Austrey Parish Council, the Village Hall Committee have been able to get an access ramp installed at the entrance to the hall. Once COVID restrictions are eased and lifted and events can resume at the hall, it is marvellous to know that there are no longer any restrictions on gaining entry!
Click here for photos of the completed project.
Register to Vote 28th February 2021
Elections will be taking place across the county on Thursday 6 May 2021 for Warwickshire County Council and the Police & Crime Commissioner.
The deadline to register to vote is Monday 19 April 2021. You can apply online in just 5 minutes here.
Understanding Mental Health & Wellbeing in Warwickshire - Survey 27th February 2021
We are carrying out a Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to understand the needs of adults living in Coventry and Warwickshire. This survey is a chance for people to tell us about their own mental wellbeing and services they have used. This includes understanding any impact that the Covid-19 pandemic may have had. The survey can also be completed by carers of people with mental health difficulties and professionals working in the field of mental health and wellbeing. To find out more please click on this link or visit
This survey closes on March 26th.
Warwickshire Country Parks Survey 26th February 2021
Warwickshire country parks survey
Warwickshire's Country Parks Service is undertaking a survey of visitors and non-visitors to help with a whole service review we are undertaking in 2021. Taking part in this survey will help us to explore future options for Warwickshire's parks and greenways. To find out more please click on this link or visit
This survey closes on March 18th.
Community-based support during COVID 19 - Survey 25th February 2021
This survey is part of a national evaluation of the NHS Volunteer Responders (GoodSam) scheme. Warwickshire County Council (in partnership with other organisations across Coventry and Warwickshire) want to understand how people have received or provided community-based support during the pandemic. This research will feed into the national evaluation programme and will also inform thinking around future volunteering and support models locally. To find out more please click on this link or visit
This survey closes on March 9th.
Fake NHS COVID Vaccination emails 23rd February 2021
Warwickshire residents have reported receiving very genuine looking NHS COVID19 vaccination booking emails. The emails direct recipients to a ‘booking website’ at which time they are asked for a £5 fee!
The vaccine will always be free on the NHS
NHS staff will never ask for, or accept, cash or other payment methods for vaccines
The NHS will never ask you for your bank account or card details, your PIN or bank password
NHS staff will never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine
The NHS will never ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport, driving licence, bills or pay slips
More advice from NHS England.
Other scams reported recently in Warwickshire include: bogus driving licence renewal website, fake banking texts, arrest warrants and online trader warning. Go to Safe in Warwickshire and sign up to their email alerts.
To make a consumer complaint or for consumer help and advice, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133.
Click here for more consumer help and advice, including details of WCC's approved trader scheme.
Warwickshire Police Rural Crime Team Newsletter 23rd February 2021
View the newsletter here
Census Day 2021 is coming 18th February 2021
Census Day is Sunday 21 March 2021 in England and Wales.
Nearer the time, you will receive a letter with an access code to take part online. There's plenty of help available for those who need it.
Find out more at
Green Bin Collection Service 17th February 2021
From April 2021, there will be an annual cost of £40 per green bin for fortnightly collections of your garden waste. If you would like to continue the service, you will need to sign up with North Warwickshire Borough Council.
For more information and to sign up visit:
Home Library Service Offers More Than Books 13th February 2021
As part of the wider package of support that WCC's home library service has offered to vulnerable residents, over 3,500 doorstep book deliveries have been made since April 2020.
In addition to the Home Library Service, a ‘befriending calls’ service was set up. This involves a friendly member of Warwickshire Libraries’ staff phoning residents for a regular chat, to check how they are getting on and direct them to other services that may be able to help them - as well as to discuss the books that they have been reading and suggest other books that they might enjoy.
Staff are able to offer the home library service as an option and tell people about how they could download eBooks and eAudiobooks online if they wanted to. Sometimes residents are referred to the library service’s ICT and learning officers, so they could receive a telephone call to help them set up their tablets or laptops step-by-step, as part of Warwickshire Libraries’ ‘digital help’ offer to shielding customers.
Staff can select up to 4 books per customer to be collected from over 150 designated locations around Warwickshire. If a resident can’t get to the library due to ill health or disability and does not have someone to collect books for them, there is a free mobile library service. Please contact the Mobile Library Team on 01926 851031 or
Access Community Transport 12th February 2021
Being vaccinated is an essential reason to travel. You can ask a member of your family or support bubble to take you. To stay as safe as possible when sharing a vehicle, it is advised to wear a face covering, sit as far apart as possible, open windows for ventilation and wipe down surfaces.
If you have no other means of transport, please contact NHS Volunteer Responders or your local voluntary transport service.
NHS Volunteer Responders: To book transport call 0808 196 3646. For queries or to cancel an appointment call 0808 196 3382
Voluntary transport services in North Warwickshire: Nuneaton and Bedworth contact Volunteer Friends (Medicar): Use 024 7664 0088 – Monday to Friday between 9 30am and 12 30pm. Or email:
Contact Beeline: 01827 717074 - Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm
Austrey Parish Council Casual Vacancy February 2021
Following the resignation of Cllr Anne Wilde, a vacancy has arisen on Austrey Parish Council.
As a councillor you can become a voice for your community and be involved in real change. It helps if you're a "people person" who enjoys talking to other residents but, more importantly, you need to have the concerns and best interests of the parish as a whole at heart. Councillors are community leaders and should represent the aspirations of the public that they serve.
Click here for more information, or take to any member of the parish council for more information.
HS2 Jobsite 8th February 2021
Clink on the link below for a brand-new HS2 jobs-site to promote the 20,000+ roles that the project will support over the coming years.
Warwickshire Recycles Newsletter 8th February 2021
In the February/March 2021 edition of the e-newsletter
Home Composting in early Spring
Help bees by not mowing dandelions
Discounted compostable caddy liners
Discounted compost bins
Wash hands for workers
How clean does my recycling need to be?
Good news for clothing
Green Shoots community support grant launched
Play Area Refurbishment 1st January 2021
As part of their play area capital programme, NWBC will be consulting on its proposals for the refurbishment of some of its play areas. Austrey play area (off Hollybank Estate) is due to be refurbished next year and NWBC have created a short video that shows which pieces of play equipment need replacing and suggests some items that would fit in their place.
When you have a few minutes spare, please can you watch the video on the link below and let NWBC know your comments and if you have any other ideas. has more information on the consultation, or click here to watch the video.
Update from HS2 on the Eastern Leg Phase 2b November 2020
Towards the end of 2020, the Government made clear in its response to the Oakervee Review its commitment to Phase 2b of HS2, extending high-speed rail from the West Midlands to the North, ensuring we boost capacity, improve connectivity between our regions and share prosperity.
As part of this, the Government plans to present an Integrated Rail Plan for the North and Midlands by the end of the year, informed by an assessment from the National Infrastructure Commission, which will look at how to deliver HS2 Phase 2b, Northern Powerhouse Rail, Midlands Rail Hub and other rail programmes better and more effectively. In the meantime, the Government has asked HS2 Ltd to pause work on the Eastern Leg.
The Government has asked HS2 Ltd to proceed with the development of the Western Leg of Phase 2b (from Crewe to Manchester). Subject to the Integrated Rail Plan, a Western Leg Bill is being prepared for deposit to Parliament in early 2022, or sooner if possible. Whilst plans may be subject to change following the Integrated Rail Plan, the potential for significant change to the Western Leg is more limited.
Western Leg (Crewe to Manchester)
On 7 October 2020 the Minister of State for Transport announced a consultation on four proposed changes to the design of the Western Leg of Phase 2b. To find out more about the consultation and how to respond to it, as well as information about other changes to the Western leg, please visit Although this consultation only relates to the Western Leg of Phase 2b, anyone is welcome to comment on the proposals.
Reporting faults to WCC November 2020
As of November 2020, Warwickshire County Council will be changing some of their 'Report It' forms as part of improving their customer journey. They are replacing embedded FixMyStreet Forms with Firmstep Forms in line with other Report It functions, which allows them to integrate with corporate systems and improve the customer experience.
The dedicated Warwickshire County Council Highways fault reporting telephone number is remaining the same - 01926 412515